On Faith

“God, infinitely perfect and blessed in himself, in a plan of sheer goodness freely created man to make him share in his own blessed life. For this reason, at every time and in every place, God draws close to man. He calls man to seek him, to know him, to love him with all his strength.” – CCC 1

This first few lines that begin the Catechism of the Catholic Church are so beautiful. They sum up God’s love for us and his desire to share his perfect life with us in a relationship forever. It also sums up our portion of the relationship, to seek, to know, and to love. Faith is to know the truth of this relationship.

At the root of Faith is striving to know Jesus, and share him with the world. After all, if you found the greatest thing in the world (or met a person) that opened your eyes to see so much more than you ever did before, if you now knew the meaning and purpose behind this world and our lives, wouldn’t you want to introduce your friends and family to it (Him).

This website is not intended to be apologetic, so I won’t go into all of the details here. Rather, I will be sharing the way Faith and relationship with Christ makes me strive to live an intentional life full of beauty. Because beautiful things come from God, this beauty will lead us to Him, and likewise, He will show us even more beauty.

Faith and Finance?

Love of God should effect every aspect of our lives. He is not one of our many tasks or hobbies. He is infused into every part of life. This is the Catholic Worldview. The Faith is a lens through which everything in the world is seen with purpose, meaning, and significance.

Once I became interested in the personal finance/FIRE blogs, I realized that God was rarely mentioned. If God is the most important Being, shouldn’t He be involved in this discussion as well?

Since encountering Christ in a real way in college, the impact on my life was so great that I had to live differently and had to share this goodness with others. So I became a missionary.

Though, significantly less significant, as I learned about some of the principles of financial independence and intentional living, I saw so much good that I wish I had known before. I wanted to be apart of the conversation, but put the lens of faith on the many financial blogs that already exist. My goal is to go deeper.

One Church

To all Christians, I pray for Christian Unity. You should too! Here is a great talk by Peter Kreeft that gave me extreme hope that the Holy Spirit is working to make this happen sooner than we know.



Questions and Discussion Encouraged

During my two years as a missionary, I have learned so much about faith from people asking great questions saying, “I don’t know, but let’s find out together.” Surprisingly, after 2000 years, the Church has thought about a lot of things, and many topics that are hard to understand on the surface, have extremely deep and beautiful subsurface intentionality driving them.

So lets strive to find Truth, Goodness, and Beauty in all things, including Financial Independence.