Make your work an art. Make your art your work. Or live somewhere in between. Whichever path you choose, how do I know I what I am called to do?!...
The Cost of Joy – Christmas in July
I had just finished reading about ways to lower electricity bills and I looked at our Christmas tree. ...
The Simplest Path to Retirement
Simplicity is a beautiful thing. Simplicity is going to be key to anyone who wants to be ahead saving for their future. Sadly but also happily (depending on your perspective), it is not very hard at all to live a simple life compared to the average American household. According to this article from USA...
Joy vs. Pleasure
The FIRE movement, from the beginning, has not been preaching any kind of "get rich" scheme. This is a lifestyle of understanding what provides happiness in life. In the end, happiness is what we all want. That is the end goal. However, what makes us happy? That is the difficult question....